The Warrenton Declaration on Medical Mandates, Biblical Ethics, & Authority
The Warrenton Declaration on Medical Mandates, Biblical Ethics, & Authority was created in order to provide doctrinal clarity and coherence on issues of biblical authority and ethics related to medical mandates. The declaration seeks to equip local churches and their officers in providing transparency on where they stand and to assist individuals who are being mistreated in their churches with a well-ordered summary of belief in this regard.
“The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.” –Psalm 103:19
With the rise of COVID-19 and all of the attendant ramifications, it has been incumbent upon the church to come to terms with what it believes related to the intersecting areas of biblical ethics, authority, and medical mandates.
Unfortunately, due to a pervasive lack of theological and biblical understanding on these issues coupled with a tendency to over-attribute power and jurisdiction to the state, oftentimes churches have defaulted to almost reflexively acquiescing to whatever government health agency statements are made and the policies they put in place. The legitimacy of the sweeping powers attributed to the state is either simply presumed or reinforced with scant, or faulty biblical support. Powers are assumed to exist unless explicitly denied rather than regarded as absent unless firmly established by Scripture.
As a result, rather than leading on these issues, pastors often become little more than mouthpieces for government health agencies and are then used by these same agencies to help carry out their bidding.
The reasons given for following such policies and mandating them in the local church are not typically justified by a well-rounded and systematic understanding of the whole counsel of Scripture on authority and what it means to love one’s neighbor as oneself. Instead, the rationale given is usually disjointed, unbalanced, and confused.
To that end The Warrenton Declaration on Medical Mandates, Biblical Ethics, & Authority was created in order to provide clarity on these issues moving forward, to equip local churches and their officers in providing clarity on where they stand, and to assist individuals who are being mistreated in their churches with a well-ordered summary of belief in this regard.
Section 1 – Authority
I. WE AFFIRM that all authority, in heaven and on earth has been bestowed upon God the Son, Christ Jesus. (Is. 9:6-7; Dan. 7:13-14; Col. 1:15-20; Matt. 28:18).
II. WE AFFIRM that delegated, earthly authorities have been instituted by God as His servants to function as a blessing to those in their jurisdiction through their Godly governance and rule according to God’s law and in obedience to Christ (Ps. 2:1-12; Rom. 13:1; Rom. 13:3-5; 1 Pet. 2:13). These may be civil authorities (Rom. 13:1; 1 Pet. 2:13-14), ecclesiastical authorities (Heb. 13:17), vocational authorities (1 Pet. 2:18), familial authorities (Eph. 6:1; 1 Pet. 3:1), and self-governing individuals (Prov. 25:28; Rom. 12:1-2; Mk. 12:31; Lev. 19:18; 1 Pet. 2:16).
III. WE AFFIRM that to ascribe total jurisdiction to any human authority is idolatry, since this kind of unlimited authority is reserved only for Christ Jesus (Is. 9:6-7; Dan. 7:13-14; Col. 1:15-20; Matt. 28:18). This establishes limits to the jurisdictional authority of all subordinate offices that exist under the authority of Christ.
V. WE AFFIRM that the scriptural jurisdictional limits of delegated human authority are also established by good and necessary consequence given that various offices are said in Scripture to be required to be obeyed “in everything” (Col 3:20, 22; Eph 5:24; Tit 2:9) . The sense in which “in everything” is used in these verses cannot mean that obedience is obligatory for all commands regardless of their morality, since Scripture also teaches Christian disobedience to sinful or abusive commands (Acts 5:29, Ex 1:15-20). “In everything” also cannot mean that obedience is obligatory for all non-sinful commands, since Scripture also establishes multiple offices of human authority (Heb. 13:17; 1 Pet 2:18; Eph 6:1; Romans 13:1). These offices may at times conflict, thus requiring Christians to consider which authority is acting within their rightful jurisdiction to determine if obedience is required. Thus, commands to obey “in everything” must refer to the obligation of Christians to obey all non-sinful commands of true authorities which are also within the proper jurisdiction of the authority giving the command.
VII. WE AFFIRM that in instances where a Christian’s responsibilities to God and his fellow man are not hindered, the Christian may choose to obey some unjust commands when such commands can be obeyed without engaging in sin. This may be because compliance with the command is done under duress, because compliance is expedient, or because compliance is rendered in an exaggerated fashion in order to further expose the wickedness of the command (Rom. 12:20; Matt 5:38-42).
IX. WE AFFIRM that true civil authorities are legitimate to the extent they, as appointed by God, bear the sword to fulfill the description of what civil authorities are in Scripture, namely, that they punish evil and praise good (Rom. 13:3-4; 1 Pet. 2:14) according to their civil office and jurisdiction.
XI. WE AFFIRM that Christians should obey the biblically lawful instructions and commands of earthly authorities to the extent of their proper, God-ordained, role and jurisdiction (Rom. 13:1; 1 Pet. 2:13).
XIII. WE DENY that the specific authority granted to Pilate to execute Christ Jesus according to God’s plan of redemption (Jn. 19:10-11) is evidence of a general principle of civil governance whereby civil magistrates retain legitimate authority to do evil or make any commands outside the bounds of their jurisdiction.
XV. WE AFFIRM that disobedience is also permissible should any command be given outside of the jurisdiction of the particular authority. For example, throughout history, civil governments have sought to force individuals into certain vocations, foisted improper controls over affairs of the church, and imposed restrictions over the number of children that a family is permitted to have. Frequently, these kinds of orders are claimed to be for the “greater good” of the public. To whatever extent these commands would not have required anyone to sin, obedience is still not morally obligated since these commands are outside the jurisdiction of the authority making the commands.
Section 2 – Application to Medical Mandates
XVII. WE DENY that the leprosy-related passages in Leviticus 13 & 14 can be construed to teach the general principle that civil government has unqualified and legitimate jurisdiction over managing “public health.”
XVIII. WE AFFIRM that these leprosy passages are related not to the spread of biological contagion, but of ceremonial uncleanliness as is evidenced by numerous factors: First, even the man covered head-to-toe in white leprosy was declared “clean” (Lev. 13:12-13) and was permitted in the camp. Second, the stated reason for the general expulsion of lepers is the same reason given for the expulsion of those who touched a dead body or had a bodily discharge; not biological contagion, but ceremonial uncleanliness which “defiled the camp” before the Lord (Num. 5:1-4) . Third, nowhere in Scripture is leprosy described as being biologically contagious. This “leprosy” also afflicted houses (Lev. 14:34) and garments (Lev. 13:47). “Leprosy” was not the same as modern day “Hansen’s disease”. Fourth, in order to prevent belongings in a “leprous” house from being declared “unclean” by the Priest, the owner was permitted to empty the house of his possessions before the Priest arrived for inspection (Lev. 14:33-36). Preventing biological contagion through sanitization (burning) of objects was not in view here. The ceremonial practices associated with the now defunct Levitical Priesthood have been made obsolete by Christ’s greater Priesthood (Heb. 7:12), and cannot be credibly invoked as providing civil government with jurisdiction over “public health.”
XIX. WE DENY that civil governments have lawful jurisdiction or authority to remove anyone’s right to pursue their livelihood and conduct their affairs in public.
XX. WE DENY that civil governments have lawful authority to enact “lockdowns” predicated on protecting “public health” as this is not their jurisdiction.
XXIII. WE AFFIRM that it is the Christian duty of each family to seek the well-being of their neighbor(Lev. 19:18; Matt. 22:39; Jer. 29:7) and that this includes adopting reasonable practices for the symptomatically ill to refrain from knowingly exposing their neighbors, especially in a crowded or public context. Each Christian should seek to live at peace with all men in a manner that displays the love of Christ in obedience to the law of God (Rom. 12:18; Mic. 6:8).
XXIV. WE DENY that the existence of communicable viruses, viral testing mechanisms, or the invention of vaccinations creates a new standard of morality whereby a healthy person simply conducting their affairs in society without vaccination, viral testing, or wearing a mask is evidence of criminally or morally reckless behavior. Moreover, if such a standard for violation of medical freedom is adopted, conceivably, civil governments could permanently regulate and restrict every facet of life since according to this same rationale, various flu-like viruses can be unknowingly spread at all times. Further, there are a host of other far more deadly dangers such as heart disease, which, like virus-related hospitalizations, also place a burden on the health system. The civil government does not then gain authority to ban soda intake for obese individuals.
XXVI. WE AFFIRM that any civil or ecclesiastical authority that attempts to coerce individuals or their children with any form of public banishment, fine, imprisonment, social ostracism, or other forms of coercion for not wearing a mask or injecting a substance into their bodies are ascribing to themselves authority not delegated by God and are in grievous sin (Matt 19:14; Tit 3:10; 1st Cor 1:10; Rom 16:17).
XXVIII. WE DENY that personal and family decisions to decline vaccination or the wearing of masks are necessarily out-of-step with the biblical command to love one’s neighbor as oneself (Lev. 19:18; Matt. 22:39).
XXIX. WE DENY that conformity to a given recommended course of medical action is made to be civilly or morally obligatory by appeals to an alleged “majority” of expert opinion, or available medical data.
XXX. WE DENY that an individual Christian’s obligation to the weaker brother (1 Cor. 8:1-12) compels any Christian to violate his or her conscience (Rom. 14:3; 1 Cor. 10:31) regarding the wearing of masks or injecting a substance into their body. Such action may be regarded by Christians both as contrary to sound and loving health practices for themselves and their family. Specifically with masks which are worn visibly on the body, Christians may also have concern in their conscience about the message they believe wearing the mask sends to the world. They may regard the wearing of masks as bearing false witness (Ex. 20:16; 23:2) or as an unloving, tacit endorsement of what they see as propaganda surrounding their use and enforcement upon their neighbor.
XXXI. WE AFFIRM that those who seek to bind the conscience of the believer by insisting that conformity with mask or vaccination mandates is the only way for a Christian to fulfill the command to “love one’s neighbor as oneself” are treating the traditions of man as the commandments of God (Mk 7:6-9). These individuals are themselves guilty of twisting the Scriptures and are effectively subjecting the law of God to the ever-changing and conflicting whims of “public health” agencies, the latest medical study, or majority opinion.
XXXII. WE DENY that choosing to respectfully decline a church officer’s request to wear a mask is in any way evidence of divisiveness or rebellion against ecclesiastical authority since the ecclesiastical office does not hold jurisdiction over personal or familial health decisions.
XXXIII. WE DENY that all instances of requiring masks for church meetings are necessarily sinful or divisive in such cases where the meeting is held at a venue where the property managers are not the local church and such property managers require mask wearing for entrance. This is a property issue. In such cases, those who choose not to fellowship because of the mask mandate at the meeting venue should not be said to be in violation of any biblical commands regarding regularly meeting with the saints. To the extent possible, church officers should seek to secure a meeting venue where the local congregation will not be forced to exclude non-masking individuals due to the whims of the building owner.
XXXIV. WE AFFIRM that maintaining personal health and personal health decisions, including decisions about which medical interventions to adopt or forego, are the role and jurisdiction of each individual and their family.
XXXV. WE DENY that parents are guilty of neglect or abuse if they choose to forego a given medical intervention such as a medical procedure or vaccine due to the fact that they are not convinced of the short and long term risk profile or effectiveness of the action. This remains true regardless of what recommendations they have or haven’t received from a doctor.
XXXVI. WE AFFIRM that it is anti-scriptural for a parent to categorically deny all medical interventions to their children at all times with the rationale that all medical intervention is, as a category, evidence of a lack of faith in God (1st Tim 5:23).
If you are not sure where your local church officers and community stand on these issues, do not be afraid to raise questions in a respectful manner. If you have good and Godly leaders, you won’t be criticized or dismissed for raising them. If you have been neglected or mistreated by your current local church on these grounds and appeals have not been heard, we encourage you to find a community where medical liberty is understood and practiced.
Initial Signers
Pastor George Grant
Parish Presbyterian Church
Franklin, Tennessee
Pastor Jon Speed
First Baptist Church of Briar
Azle, Texas
Rev. Dr. Jason Garwood
Cross & Crown Church
Warrenton, VA
Pastor Gordan Runyan
Immanuel Baptist Church
Tucumcari, New Mexico
Pastor Kamaron Gray
Harvest Bible Fellowship
Pendleton, Indiana
Pastor Russell Traweek
Christ Covenant Church
Sweeny, Texas
Pastor Derin Stidd
Harmony Baptist Church
Frankfort, Indiana
Pastor Scott Jacobsen
Mountain View Christian Church
Hamilton, Ontario
Pastor Matthew Cooke
Maynardville Fellowship
Maynardville, Tennesee
Pastor Eric Stewart
ONElife Church
Grand Blanc, Michigan
Pastor Dusty Deevers
Grace Community Church
Elgin, Oklahoma
C.R. Cali, Elder
Sermon in the Park
Victoria, Texas
Loren Darling
Pastor Brandon Scalf
Cruciform Bible Church
Indianapolis, Indiana
Stephen Perks
Director of Kuyper Foundation
Somerset, England
Rev. Ron Kronz
Street Church
Washington, DC
Pastor Timothy DuPree'
Redemption Church
Jacksonville, North Carolina
Pastor Brandon Nealy
Christ Church of Acadiana
Lafayette, Louisiana
Pastor Claude Ramsey
Reformata Baptist Church
Knoxville, Tennessee
Reed Kerr, Elder
Hill City Reformed Baptist Church
Lynchburg, Virginia
Pastor Travis Chapman
Fellowship Baptist Church
Willow Springs, North Carolina
Pastor Justin Myers
Colonville Bible Church
Clare, MI
Jared Sparks
Christ Church Carbondale
Ginger Taylor
Brunswick, Maine
J.M. Wilson
Cross & Crown Church
Warrenton, VA
Dustin Ranem
All Saints Presbyterian Church
St. Paul, MN
Robert Duerksen
Euless, TX
Wayne Groover
Abolish Abortion North Carolina
Jacksonville, NC
Brad Donovan
Christ Covenant Church
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
Josh Woody
Maynardville Fellowship
Maynardville, TN
Matthew French
Live Oak Church
Navarre, Florida
Zachary McDonald
Holy Trinity Reformed Church
Spartanburg, SC
Jeremy Brown
Holland, MI
Jerritte Couture
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Lebanon, Ohio
Bill Evans
Kingdom Driven, LLC
Austin, Texas
Tim Brown
Sons of Liberty Media
Clover, South Carolina
Gabriel Everson
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Jamie Soles
Christ Covenant Church
Grande Prairie
Dr. Don Schanzenbach
Mission to Restore America
Mendota, VA
Roger Oliver
Pierre Viret Learning Center
Sheboygan, WI
Toby Harmon
Norman Oklahoma
Trey Mays
Reformed Baptist
Jon Markus
Philadelphia, PA
Jonathan Muse
Telos Coffee Roasters
Johnson City, TN
Paul Nowlin
Michelle OGorman
oswego, ny, 13126
Tiffany Kilcup
Meridian, ID
Michael Younkin
Jean Harlow
Holland , Mi
Mark Scheering
The Mission Church
Millcreek, Utah
Mark Contra
Moyie springs, Idaho
Jamison Gregory Harbison
Richland, IA 52585
Sal Piccolo
Lives for Life/Abolish Abortion PA
Stroudsburg, PA
Timothy Martin
New York Gospel Ministries
Manhattan, New York, USA
Caleb Powers
Christ Church
Moscow, ID
Trent Matthews
Fullerton, California
Michael J. Krug
Brother in Christ
Loretto, Pa.
Ric Komarek
Tess Harper
Cross & Crown
Warrenton Va
Rachel Behrends
Cross & Crown Church
Brandon Michalec
Robert Roy
Reformed Christian
Sterling, VA
Brandon Raby
Covenant Baptist Church
Madisonville, TN
Zachary Bergs
Faith Community Church
Beloit, WI
Brian Riddle
Home Fellowship
Apple Valley, CA
Benjamin Moore
Christ Community Church
Greenville, TX
Billy Burton
Iraan, Texas
Tony Hawkins
Redeemer Church of South Hills
West Mifflin, PA
Travis Chapman
Fellowship Baptist Church
North Carolina
John Cummins
New Market, TN
Lisa Almeida
Saint Cloud, FL
April Hodson
Femallay, Inc
Warrenton, VA
Thomas Black
Christ is my King
San Elizario
Jaime Shanks
Fellowship Baptist Church
Jacksonville NC
Michael Perry
Rogers, MN, USA
Doug Hitzel
Auburn, NE. 68305
Lilli Kate Groover
Jacksonville, NC
Dana Wilging
New Mexico
Chris Concannon
Cross & Crown Church
Warrenton, VA United States
Prisca Bejjani
Martinsburg, WV, USA
Eric Novak
Tates Creek Presbyterian Church
Lexington, KY
Mark Van Der Molen
United Reformed Church
Jordan Goodwin
Christ the King Church
Lobelville, Tennessee, USA
David Layman
Goods Mennonite Church
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Jed Shirley
Friendswood, TX, USA
Matthew Wear
Independence Reformed Bible Church
Ron Kronz
Street Church DC ARTC
Springfield VA
Aaron Hodson
Femallay, Inc
Warrenton, VA
Sharyn Harding
South Australia
Kevin Harding
South Australia
Glenys Anderson
Anna Wood
Cristina Micsa
Jarrett Farewell
Gold Run
Trudi Hetebry
Kingdom city
Falaksher Najam
Redeemer Church of South Hills
Monessen, PA, USA
Rosemerryn McMillan
Dick Barendregt
Paolo Castellina
United Kingdom, Kent
Leandri Du Preez
Tasmania, Australia
Cathy Stein, Ph.D.
Avon Lake, Ohio
Dianna Olchefski
Burnsville, MN
Guillermo Lovotrico
Chiesa La Porta Aperta, Asti, Italia
Jonathan Augustine
Saint Joe, Arkansas
Giorgio Modolo
Reformation Christian Ministry
Vittorio Veneto
Tiffany Kocsis
Faith Life
John Hawthorne
Escondido, CA.
Jordan Bradley
Peru Grace Brethren Church
Peru, Indiana
Kristina Wolf
Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Daniel van Straaten
Gereformeerde Kerk
Kleinmond, South Africa
Ginger Taylor
Brunswick, Maine
Margaret Shaver
Lewiston, ME 04240
Kristi Wees
Christian (seeking new church home)
Gibsonia PA
Brenda Meyer
Festus, MO 63028
Bruce Brenan
Independent Bible church
Justin Andrusk
Dorinda Weeks
Seventh Day Adventist
Corinna, ME
Justin Ryan
Box Elder, South Dakota
Candie Kronz
Calvary Chapel
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Amy Eckert
Cross and Crown Church
Steven Vollmar
Cross and Crown Church
Warrenton, VA
Rachel Navarrete
Spanish Fork
Ron Lockman
Valley Center Community Church
Valley Center Ca
Kaegan Scarborough
Kimberley Rich
Orono, Maine USA
Jeremy Blatchford
Christian & scientist
Lizella GA
Valerie Shaw
Southern Baptist
Luxembourg (expat from California)
Markie Sheets
Cross and Crown
Cheryl Hannah
British Columbia, Canada.
John Bion
United Kingdom
Scott Weber
Evansville Indiana
Melanie Sayers
Cross & Crown Church
Rixeyville, VA
Lyn Sagert
The Bridge of Chilliwack
Chilliwack, BC Canada
Pastor Aaron Hebbard, PhD
Remnant Church, Imago Dei College
Mentone, CA
Trudy Brandt
Cape Girardeau, MO
Eric Wagner
Providence Church
Mansfield Ohio
Grant Kerber
Gibson City, IL 60936
John McDonald
Kingdom Apostolic Network
Ashland, VA, 23005
Dave Kinsey
Susan Drummond
East Norriton, PA
Irene Liras
Greek Orthodox
Victoria Australia
Kay Ness
Chalcedon Presbyterian Church
Cumming, Georgia
George Liras
Rachel Ordia
Powhatan, VA
Jonathan Andrews
Reformed Presbyterian
Wollongong, NSW, Australia
David Olynyk
Chardon, Ohio USA
Preston McNutt
Tracy Laine
Green Bay, WI
Rachelle Merle
Christian, Redeeming Grace OPC
Port Townsend
David Eck
Liberty Lake, WA, USA
Courtney Roper
Katy, TX
Tani Newton
Christian Liberty Library
Paeroa, New Zealand
Matthew Forbes
Coral Springs, FL
Richard Jensen
Sundre, Alberta
Dave Joslin
Andy Eckert
Cross & Crown Church
Ian McDonald
Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Victoria, Australia
Bethany Stevenson
Norfolk VA
Tafyd Love
Warrnambool, Victoria/ Australia
Jeremy Peet
Victoria, Australia
Elizabeth Shearer
Church of Jesus Christ
Syracuse, NY 13215
Kathy Joslin
Ontario, Canada
Gayle Moody
Huntsville, AL
Matt Michael
Christ Church West Chester
West Chester, PA
William Moody
Reformed Presbyterian
Alex MacKenzie
Patty Nymeyer
Mattis Pottiger
Pastor John Weaver
Freedom Baptist Church
Fitzgerald, GA
Tim Yarbrough
Trinity Free Presbyterian Church Elder
Trinity, Alabama 35650
Birthe Schoenig
Hamburg, Germany
Tobi Martin
Baptist Church
Saint Malo, Brittany, Frane
Belinda Carrico
Canadian Reformed Church
Prince George
Scott Tucker
The Fellowship
Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Meghan Wadle
Catholic / Byzantine Rite / Christian
John Noē PhD
Prophecy Reformation Institute
Indianapolis , IN
Cindy Noē
Former Indiana State Representative
Indianapolis, IN
Jim Nelson
Church of the Living God
Linda Iverson
City of Joy Church
Kayla Palumbo
Michael Moynahan
Victoria, Australia
Dennis Ficarrotta
NorthWest Tampa Church of God
Tampa FL 33624 U.S.A.
Daniel Williams
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Judith Batchelor
Reformed Christian
Jan Adriaan Schlebusch
Pactum Institute
South Africa
Terri Lynn Maldonado
United States
Emily Arndt
Springfield, VA 22153
Pastor Cliff Christman
Trinity Missionary Baptist Church
Richmond, KY
Unnam Ranjith Kumar
South Asia Christian Academy
Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Betsy Rosema
Adam Sulpher
Kitchener, Ontario Canada
Lianne Griffin
Pacific MO 63069
Peter Hickman
Kings Grange Christian Fellowship
Castle Douglas, Scotland, UK
Pastor Johnathon Bush
Southside Baptist Church
Winter Haven, Florida
Julie Wyatt
Federal Way, WA
Brian Bivins
Centralia, Washington
Sandra Burns
Member Nazarene Church
Phenix City
Robert Haldeman
Greenville, Mo 63944
Vicki Stefancich
BJ Sandusky
Lewiston, Idaho
T. Russell Hunter
The Body of Christ
Norman, OK
Robin Pavlosky
Williamsburg Virginia
Glenn Sunshine
Every Square Inch Ministries
Daniel O’Roark
Jonesborough, TN, USA
Shelby Wilson
Cross and Crown Church
Warrenton, Va
Gerald Kern
Chisago City, MN 55013
Nancy Freeman
Golden Acres Baptist Church
Phenix City, Al
Patricia Turner
Torah Adherant
Murfreesboro, TN USA
Bret McAtee
Christ the King Reformed Church
Anthony Gentile
Citrus County Fl
Sandra Gentile
Citrus County, FL
carl kingston
Nanaimo Church of Nazarene
Nanaimo, BC
Erin Mcanlay
Jeffersonton, VA
Cherie Sturtevant
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Vancouver, WA 98606
Kenny Barnes
Long Beach, Ca
Sylvain Mcintyre
Sainte-Marie de Kent
Hannah Bush
Southside Baptist Church/Christian
Winter Haven, Florida
Daniel Coulter
Charlotte, NC
Todd Peterson
Non-denominational Child of God
Sayre, Oklahoma
Dan Frodge
Southside Baptist Church
Winter Haven, Florida
Joshua Wilson
New Life Baptist Church
Norma Ittmann
Western Cape, South Africa
Gerald Bagby
Reformed Christian
Streator, IL
Marcia Mehlman
Colorado Springs, CO
Sign the Declaration

The Warrenton Declaration on
Medical Mandates, Biblical Ethics, & Authority
Advancing the cause of medical freedom, grounded in the authority of Christ.
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